Classes per month

Classes per month

Regular price $90.00

Enjoy 1 month of Mariachi classes at regular price of $90.00/mo

or save by subscribing for 6 months ($85.00/mo)

Save even more by subscribing for 1 year! ($80.00/mo)


Class schedule

Beginner Class  …………………………….Tuesdays     6pm-7pm


This class is for absolute beginners with no previous musical experience.

We cover basic note reading, rhythm training, beginner solfeggio, and sing-along experience.

Introduction to a mariachi instrument such as: Guitarron, Guitar, Vihuela, Violin


Intermediate Class…………………………...Tuesdays   7:15- 8:15 pm


This class continues basic note reading into simple songs to play on your instrument.

Intermediate Level Solfeggio

Sing at least 5 songs from our list SOLO.

Prerequisite:  Beginner level music reading and repertoire

Advanced Class……………………………….Wednesdays 6-7:30 p.m.

This class focuses on advanced Solfeggio studies, scale studies, performing intermediate to advanced repertoire.

Emphasis on technical study of instrument and intermediate to advanced music theory

Students are encouraged to explore composing their own music.

Prerequisite:    Beginner and Intermediate Level completed 

10 songs from beginner and intermediate book play and sing.

Basic Major Scales  Do, RE, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, SI 

Basic Minor Scales  Do, RE, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, SI

Annual Insurance fee will be required to complete registration.

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